Jenna & Dan | Surprise Proposal | Castle Island, Boston


I have never been a part of a surprise proposal before so when Dan contacted me a few days before his proposal to Jenna, I was more than happy to photograph it.  I was very excited to be involved, however as the day got closer, the weather for the appointed time deteriorated rapidly.   I was getting most of the plans from his brother Samir.  The plan was for Dan and Jenna to go running at castle island with their dog Summit, as is their routine.  I must have asked Samir a dozen times, "Are they really going to run in this hurricane like weather?"  He assured me that they do run rain or shine.  Some of Dan's friends were also there to hold signs and support. As we all gathered in the parking lot of Castle Island in Boston, we stood in shock and amusement of the insane weather. The real fun came when we rounded the corner of the castle to the water side of Castle Island. The weather that we already thought was terrible, got ten times worse.  We could barely hear each other over the wind, but still Samir assured me they were coming. The rest is captured below.  It was amazing, totally memorable, and very romantic.  I was honored to photograph it. It was quite an adventure and one that I will not soon forget. Congratulations Dan & Jenna!


Engagements I Kristin & Cody I Pier's Park


weddings I Carolyn & Chris I Wychmere Beach Club