Engaged | Kayla & Joe | Ponyhenge, Lincoln, MA


When Kayla and Joe told me about their Halloween themed engagement session at Ponyhenge in Lincoln, MA, I wasn't sure what to think.  Ponyhenge is described as "a small slice of wide-open pasture in the town of Lincoln, Massachusetts where broken-down rocking horses, plastic ponies and other assorted horse toys have been holding court."  The appear anonymously and often appear in different formations. In reality, it is a little field with some cute/creepy toy horses that make for a fun backdrop. We started out with some beautiful portraits first and ended with some Halloween fun. On a side note, Kayla and Joe were a dream to photograph. Kayla is a beauty who is a natural in front of the camera. Check it out!


Married | Fatima & Deniz | Wychmere Beach Club, Cape Cod


Married | Sarah & Matt | Willowbend Country Club, Cape Cod