Weddings | Jaclyn & Bud | Gun Rock Beach, Hull


There was so much uncertainty regarding weddings this year. As I round up the wedding season, I have found that although the weddings this year looked different than what everyone had planned, they all came together with some extra sweetness and some special elements that made them standout. Jaclyn & Bud’s wedding from last month is a perfect example. There was so much joy that I just can’t explain it. I smiled ear to ear all day and my cheeks hurt! You would think I was on the other side of the camera! Not only did I get to witness their wedding ceremony, but I also got to be there as they told their families that they were expecting not 1, but 2 babies!!! The news of the twins, in addition to this sweet marriage had everyone smiling and crying all at the same time.

Once again, I truly love my job! I love that I get to be a part of these celebrations and share in the festivities. These moments truly are food for my soul. Thank you Jaclyn and Bud for having me there. I am so happy for you!


Engaged | Natalie & Joe | Rocky Woods, Medfield


Engaged | Dean and Elizabeth | Hingham Harbor Surprise Proposal